With searing wit and bare-knuckle prose, Ben Tallon digs deep into the darkest pits of the human psyche and reminds us that we are animals.

His dark fiction explores that which we try to hide in polite society. Human vulnerability, inescapable realities, and the terrifying everyday are the stars in his warped show.

“Ben Tallon really captures a certain ‘did I just see that?’ British griminess. This is the kind of in-the-shadows suburban horror I love. Always in danger of getting out of control.” - Charlie Adlard, The Walking Dead.

"A brilliantly warped mind." - Katy Cowan, Creative Boom

"Proper moody and horrible stuff, this." - Shaun Ryder, Happy Mondays

"Ben writes like he draws: vivid, instinctive, and intense. He lands the reader straight in the story and marches them through a cityscape that is simultaneously humdrum and horrific. All told in big, confident splodges that stick in the mind." - Nick Asbury, author of Perpetual Disappointments Diary.

“Tallon's Notes are written in a spare, pummelling fashion like conkers dropping from big trees onto expensive cars. He's telling us that the world is underpinned by a disturbed hilarity. This is a book that smells like my old socks. But the sort of old socks you like; because they're yours; that smell, that stink, it's yours.” - Austin Collings, author of God’s Fox and The Myth of Brilliant Summers

"Ben's mundane world is our world. His skill is pulling back the veil, and showing us the depravity that lurks closer than we allow ourselves to realise." - Susan Earlam, Author of Earthly Bodies.

Ben’s debut fiction book, Isolation Watch is out now and available from all good e-book retailers.

YA MUM and Other Stories from the Backstreets of Britain is out now in print, ebook, and audio book formats.

Read a selection of short stories here.

For the illustration part of Ben’s brain, head here.